Orpheu The Wizard (all-night-long)
Based in Amsterdam ‘but very much with one foot in the cosmos’, Orpheu The Wizard has been surprising and delighting dancers with his unconventional sets for years. One of Europe’s most exciting selectors, and an aficionado of records weird and wonderful, the Redlight Radio founder makes his L+L debut with an all-night-long on Sunday 25th February.
Tickets via RA.
Orpheu The Wizard (all-night-long)
Based in Amsterdam ‘but very much with one foot in the cosmos’, Orpheu The Wizard has been surprising and delighting dancers with his unconventional sets for years. One of Europe’s most exciting selectors, and an aficionado of records weird and wonderful, the Redlight Radio founder makes his L+L debut with an all-night-long on Sunday 25th February.
Tickets via RA.